Logo for PR

The home of artisanal game design

We're on a mission to change how games are made. By religiously obeying a strict set of rules which we've engineered to deliver maximum value, we aim to produce only the highest quality games for everyone to enjoy.

Thumbs up!

The Patchwork Commandments:

  1. 1: Thou shalt not include micro-transactions;
  2. 2: Thou shalt not make false promises before launch;
  3. 3: You shall not release unholy, unoptimised graphical nightmares;
  4. 4: Remember the update schedule and keep it holy;
  5. 5: Honour both your players and your critics;
  6. 6: Thou shalt not release a live-service game and then starve thy community;
  7. 7: You shall not release pointless paid DLC;
  8. 8: You shall not create F2P games;
  9. 9: You shall not bear false witness against the Early Access page;
  10. 10: You shall not covet aimless industry trends.